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"A young, beautiful Catherine Keener meets a dry witted Jennifer Lawrence."

I am a Los Angeles Based Actress. Born and raised in Scottsdale Arizona by two East Coast parents. Making me the perfect combination of bubbly and sharp as F***.


I graduated with honors from Chapman University Argyros School of Business and did the most logical thing with my shiny degree and followed my dream to become an actress!


I am an actress, entrepreneur, editor, and a team player. 


I love collaborating with creative and driven people! 





How to Cast Me!


*Ethnically Ambiguous*

Russian, Polish, Asian, Mongolian, Native American, Caucasian.. I'm a mutt :) 


Intelligent, Educated, Articulate, Sophisticated, Powerful, Intuitive,Direct, Leader, Boss, Assertive, Efficient, Intense, Lawyer, Salesperson.


Charming, Poised, Captivating, Commanding, Heroine.


Athletic, Tough, Strong, Resilient, Determined.


Elegant, Regal, Aristocratic, Princess, Proper, Rich.


Passionate, Soulful, Caring, Empathetic, Loyal, Romantic, Grounded


Beautiful, Gorgeous, Attractive, Sensual, Sexy, Provocative, Dangerous, Badass


Sarcastic, Sassy, Witty, Dry-witted, Cool, Popular, Confident, Bold


Enthusiastic, Curious, Excited, Happy,Optimistic, Positive, Vivacious, Self assured.

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